Giving Back to God: is a charity dedicated to helping improve the lives of less fortunate people living in the African continent .

It was a setup by Janet Walcott, with 20 years of experience as a residential care worker, Team Leader and Manager; she has spent much of her life dedicated to helping others. After an invitation to Zimbabwe in 2009, Janet spent time in three villages; Chiweshe, Zambezi Valley and Madziwa, she realised on arrival how different life was there.
“I remember someone offering me some roast sweet potato and me asking for some butter, their face said it all, they had no idea what I was on about, I found this experience completely embarrassing.”
Since the trip Janet has been working hard to setup a registered charity to help those people she met. Finally her dream came true and “Giving Back to God” was born. To find out more about Janet please click here.The Charity aims to provide villagers with as much help as it can. So far Janet has been able to take colouring books, clothing, baby milk, sweets and toys. The charity is looking for more donations to help these people; any and all donations are welcome whether it be financial or unwanted Christmas presents.
“I would just like to thank all the staff for all the support they have given me towards my trip to Zimbabwe, all the gifts they have given me for the children and to thank Breath of God and its Manager for their help and support for helping me with my dream of helping those less able than me.”